Welcome to the National Media Commission
The National Media Commission, set up on July 7, 1993 by an Act of Parliament, (National Media Commission Act 1993, Act 449) in pursuit of the provisions of Chapter 12 of the 1992 Constitution is enjoined among others, to take all appropriate measures to ensure the establishment and maintenance of the highest journalistic standards in the mass media, including the investigation, mediation and settlement of complaints made against or by the press or other mass media.
The Commission operates under an 18 member board (Members of the Commission) who are nominated from diverse recognised bodies including the Office of the President, Parliament of Ghana, the journalists association, the writers association, The National Commission on Women and Development, the various religious groups, the media training institutions, the related professional bodies, the Ghana Bar Association, newspaper publishers, independent broadcasters, association of teachers and the trades union congress, etc.
As one of the four Independent Governance Institutions in Ghana, the Commission operates independently of government control, focusing on serving the Ghanaian citizens to the best of its ability and commitment.